

The book of Ezekiel can really be divided into two parts: Ezekiel the Priest and Ezekiel the Prophet. As the priest, Ezekiel is given a vision of the Babylonian captivity and judgment on Israel for their disobedience. The latter half of the book is dedicated to Ezekiel the Prophet, who is given a vision of hope for Israel and all of humanity. 

In Ezekiel 44-46 (today) and 47-48 (tomorrow) we pickup in the middle of Ezekiel’s vision of a new temple and the new hope for all of humanity after Israel’s judgment From a very broad stroke culminating in the new river of chapter 47 (that’s tomorrow) we see the restoration of all things. The temple is restored all the way down to the kitchens! The beauty to behold in this complex imagery is that our God restores things to their former glory and beyond! The priesthood – restored. The temple – restored. Israel – restored. The list goes on. Our God did and still does restore things to their former glory and beyond!

I have a friend that buys trashed homes, restores them, and then rents them out. He recently bought one with the entire floor rotted out. I asked him why on earth he bought the home and he replied, “Sometimes the biggest messes make the best canvases.” 

This is true with Israel, Moses, David, Israel again, Saul (then Paul), and Peter, all the way to us today. God is in the restoration business, and His restorations are always better than before. Welcome that temple-rebuilding vision of restoration and grace into your life today!



Psalms 103:17 TPT

But Lord, your endless love stretches from one eternity to the other, unbroken and unrelenting toward those who fear you and those who bow facedown in awe before you. Your faithfulness to keep every gracious promise you’ve made passes from parents, to children, to grandchildren, and beyond.  

Thank you Lord for your love that has no end. You have been and always will be good to me!


Nehemiah 6:9 

But now, my God, strengthen my hands.  

Before taking another step in your situation, trying in your own strength, ask God for His strength to work through you.


Deuteronomy 20:4

For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.

We could choose to submit to our fears of the challenges ahead of us, Or we can choose to submit to the one who conquers all of our fears and not only that but grants us the victory that He won.