

My son got a boomerang on one of our weekend trips to the Dollar Store. When we got back home he asked if he could go outside to test it out. I told him yes with the caveat, “Don’t throw it near the house.” He rushed outside and let the Aussie in him loose! After a few conservative tosses in the street, his excitement got the best of him. As I’m watching through the window I see him turn towards our house, rare back, and unleash a regrettably impressive sling of the boomerang. With pinpoint accuracy, the boomerang was headed straight for my face on the other side of the window. Mere inches before it smashed into the glass the widget took an unexpected turn zipping back around to him. I bolted out the doors and told him he was finished playing. “Why?” He protested. I said, “Because, you nearly busted out the window!” He says, “No I didn’t. I didn’t even throw it towards the house.”

Isn’t it funny? I think we as parents all share a similar moment of watching from afar as our children do something they shouldn’t, yet the greatest teaching moments for them are when we confront rebellious behavior. 

Here we are again in Ezekiel. He’s a prophet in captivity himself, and the Lord keeps giving him visions of the future destruction of Israel because of their disobedience. This particular vision takes place in the temple and highlights their defilement of God’s glory. 

The worst part about it? They deny it. Boldly. Repeatedly. And we all know how that story ends. 

But what do we do with it? Outside of the contextual theology about the end times and the Holy Spirit throughout the book of Ezekiel, a simple yet wisely repeated theme runs through – do what God says. How would our marriages be different? Our kids? Our careers? How would our lives be transformed if we would simply listen to God and do what He says? 

While it sounds like a simple task, the implications are massive. Let’s do what Israel failed to do with the prophet Ezekiel: Listen to God and do what He says. 

What is God speaking to you today?



Aren’t you thankful that God can do whatever He pleases? Nothing limits Him. Honor Him for how big He is!


God’s grace saves us, and God’s grace changes us. Where do you need His grace today?


Finish your prayer time today with praise like David, giving your whole heart to the Lord!